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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

The ‘Obamacare’ Debacle: 7 Tips For Realtors

What Realtors can do to make sure they and their families have adequate health care Many real estate professionals are facing cancellations or drastically increased fees for their health care in 2014. If you or someone you know is facing loss of your current policy or additional fees, you do have options. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) has dominated the headlines since...

Seguro residencial: proteção para o seu maior patrimônio!

Apesar da casa própria estar certamente entre os maiores investimentos que uma pessoa ou família pode fazer, poucos brasileiros se preocupam em contratar um seguro residencial. Como entender isso? Simples! Diante do orçamento apertado, muitos brasileiros são forçados a fazer escolhas, e acabam optando por evitar gastos que não consideram tão necessários. Também contribui para isso a percepção errada de que o seguro residencial é...

Medicare Advantage Gets High Marks From Seniors!

Recently proposed cuts to Medicare Advantage make it even more important to preserve the high-quality care and satisfaction that seniors have with the program. More Medicare beneficiaries are choosing Medicare Advantage, and a new national survey from Morning Consult shows that those seniors give thumbs up when it comes to their coverage. It’s no surprise that seniors value the affordability, additional benefits, and broader choice...

Obamacare Tax Credits For Health Insurance! Tax Credits and Obamacare

The primary goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, is to make health care affordable to all Americans, partly through the use of tax credits, or subsidies. Understanding how these subsidies work and whether you qualify could save you significant money and stress during open enrollment, at tax time and throughout the year. Think of the premium tax credit like a discount on...

Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Coverage!

The administration says the president's signature law is responsible for the largest reduction in uninsured people in decades. The Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to 16.4 million formerly uninsured people, officials say. The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect,...

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