A Security Insurance Agency recognizes that high net worth individuals require coverage that goes beyond the typical, off the shelf insurance plan. That is why we are now offering concierge level service and fully customizable insurance plans to satisfy your specific needs.
Our high net worth coverage includes provisions for primary and secondary residences, private collections, identity theft, and even kidnap and ransom. When it comes to replacing the lost income of high earners, traditional insurance plans are insufficient. Stop jeopardizing your family’s financial well-being and contact us to find out how high net worth coverage can assure that everything you’ve worked for will be protected.
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Customer Reviews
Recomendo sempre A Security AgencyKlaiton S.
I have been using A Security for years now and love the service; also I have built a great relationship with the staff.Raul C., BC-A/C & Refrigeration
Solicitei um seguro para o meu veículo, pois precisava urgente para fazer o documento, o que me foi atendido prontamente e concretizado no mesmo dia.Sergio P.
O serviço da corretora foi eficiente quando precisei de informações por ocasião de um sinistro, fui bem orientada e o seguro correu tudo bem.Valeria R.