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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

How to Inspect and Replace Windshield Wiper Blades

Windshield wipers can be an overlooked part of your car’s safety system. If your wipers are not working properly, it may be difficult to see the road or other hazards when it rains or snows. Faulty wiper blades can be ineffective and even smear your windshield, potentially creating visibility issues. Some simple, regular maintenance can help ensure your wiper blades are in good shape. Inspect...

Aproximação fatal

Avião que levava Ministro do STF caiu em área conhecida por histórico de acidentes aéreos Um avião moderno, novo e em ótimas condições, um piloto experiente, instrutor da rota em questão, que tem duração curta, de aproximadamente meia hora. Analisando assim, é difícil imaginar que haja alto risco de acidente em um voo entre a cidade de São Paulo e a de Paraty, no litoral...

High-Mileage Cars: Is 200,000 the new normal?

In the 1960s and 1970s, many automobile odometers did not even read beyond 99,999 miles. Hit 100,000, and the odometer “flipped” or turned back to zero. But now, thanks to tougher quality standards and post-recession financial concerns, Americans are driving their cars longer than ever before, says IHS Markit, and high-mileage cars may now be the rule, not the exception. Is 200,000 miles the new...

Do Granite Countertops Emit Radon? (And Other Radon FAQs)

People love their granite countertops, though some now consider them too commonplace and prefer materials such as quartz or quartzite. But there’s another reason some segue from granite. They may worry that it will emit radon, a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of rocks and natural stones. So, are granite countertops a real risk? Since January is Radon Action Month,...

Incremente sua aposentadoria

Aproveite o início do ano para começar a planejar o futuro Um dos assuntos mais comentados no fim de 2016 foram as mudanças nas regras da Previdência Social propostas pelo Governo Federal. A medida mais polêmica encaminhada pelo Ministério da Fazenda determina a idade mínima de 65 anos para a aposentadoria tanto de homens quanto de mulheres. Esta e outras iniciativas fazem parte de um...

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