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Archives: 2015

Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Coverage!

The administration says the president's signature law is responsible for the largest reduction in uninsured people in decades. The Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to 16.4 million formerly uninsured people, officials say. The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect,...

The Importance of a “Self-Completing” College Fund Program

June is right around the corner and is a month filled with graduations—mortar boards flying, large slices of graduation cake, toasts to a job well done. But behind all the celebration is a serious question for those with children whose college graduation is in the distant future: Do you have a “self-completing” college fund program? The actual total cost of four years of college education...

Ask an Agent: What Insurance Should Accidental Landlords Get?

What’s an ‘accidental landlord’? We’re glad you asked. The short answer: It’s a byproduct of turmoil in the real estate industry. Let’s explain: About 36.5 million Americans moved in 2014, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Before the real estate crisis, most homeowners involved in moves sold one house to help pay for the next. However, soft markets and declining values left many homes ‘underwater’...

Do Both Parents Have To Pay For Their Teenager's Insurance?

We’ve got an email last week from a friend whose client was battling with an insurance company over her teenage son. This client is a single mother whose son resides with his father. The son is of driving age, and his father has him listed on his auto insurance policy as a driver. However, the mother's insurer insisted on listing him (and charging for him)...

Use Just a Tiny Percent of What You Already Spend to Protect Your Kids

Do you know how much it takes to raise a child these days? Are you sitting down? That would be almost a quarter of a million dollars. It costs $245,000 to raise a child born in 2013 until they hit 18, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. This is not about a luxury upbringing. This is no “Kardashian-esque” baby outfitted in cashmere onesies. This...

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