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Tag: Auto Insurance 2

Por que devo contratar um seguro para meu carro?

Desde crianças nós costumamos escutar em casa que a precaução é o melhor remédio. Afinal, quem nunca se arrependeu de deixar de colocar um casaco na mala e acabou passando frio durante uma viagem? Quem ficou irritado ao deparar-se com um temporal e perceber que deixou o guarda-chuva em casa? Se essas situações corriqueiras já bastam para nos tirar do sério, imagina ter um enorme...

Do Both Parents Have To Pay For Their Teenager's Insurance?

We’ve got an email last week from a friend whose client was battling with an insurance company over her teenage son. This client is a single mother whose son resides with his father. The son is of driving age, and his father has him listed on his auto insurance policy as a driver. However, the mother's insurer insisted on listing him (and charging for him)...

Automobile Insurance

Are you aware of the different coverages that you are required to carry on your automobile?  Florida law requires that everybody that register a vehicle with the State to keep a minimum insurance limit of $10,000 for Property Damage and $10,000 PIP.  If your car is financed you are also required (per financial agreement signed) to carry comprehensive and collision coverage; and if you have...

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